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ISBN-13 (15) 978-958-5498-23-5

Published August 30, 2019
August 30, 2019
Categories Research Book

Augustine of Hippo as Doctor Pacis: Studies on Peace in the Contemporary World: Vol. 2

Debate is ongoing about Augustine’s political philosophy, and more particularly about his views on the relations between Church and State. This volume brings together a number of contributions that examine Augustine’s theoretical views on the subject. Augustine assumed his responsibilities as a theologian and Church leader: the truth of the faith and the unity of the Church could not be compromised. He did not hesitate to appeal to the civil authorities in the pursuit of this goal. In fact, he even ventured to deploy the civil authority, the emperor, against an ecclesiastical authority such as Pope Zosimus. This appeal to the secular arm of power was inspired on the one hand by Augustine’s concern for the preservation of order and peace, and on the other by his faith in the rights of truth. Yet this aspiration of Augustine’s was not absolute either. He rejected the idea that humans should be converted forcibly, against their will. He also condemned anything that compromised the physical integrity of human beings. In short, Augustine also recognised the value of the political system. This served to safeguard the good ends of earthly life, i.e. peace and justice. But Augustine believed this earthly peace and justice were reflections of the heavenly peace and justice, which are the foundation of earthly order and stability.

Keywords: Augustine of Hippo, patristics, peace and justice, political philosophy, political theology

Keywords: Augustine of Hippo, Patristics, Peace and justice, Political philosophy, Political theology

Anthony Dupont, PhD (ed) Universidad Católica de Lovaina

Doctor en Teología, magister en Filosofía, en Ciencias Religiosas y en Teología de la Universidad Católica de Lovaina (Bélgica). Sus líneas principales de investigación tienen que ver con la interrelación de la gracia divina y la libertad humana en los escritos de san Agustín de Hipona (354-430), en particular con los sermones ad populum. Profesor investigador en antigüedad cristiana y miembro de la Unidad de Investigación en Historia de la Iglesia y Teología, Facultad de Teología y Estudios de la Religión, Universidad Católica de Lovaina, Bélgica.

Enrique Eguiarte Bendímez, PhD (ed) Orden de Agustinos Recoletos, España

Doctor en Teología y Ciencias Patrísticas de la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense (Italia), en Filosofía y Letras y Licenciado en Ciencias Religiosas de la Universidad de Navarra (España), Magíster en Letras Modernas y Licenciado en Literatura Latinoamericana de la Universidad Iberoamericana (México). Investigador de grupo de investigación Kairós de la Universitaria Agustiniana, Bogotá, Colombia. 

Carlos Alberto Villabona Vargas, PhD (ed) Universitaria Agustiniana, Colombia

PhD en Filosofía de la Universidad de Oregon (Estados Unidos). Magister en Administración de la Educación del Walla Walla College (Estados Unidos) y Teólogo de la Universidad de Salamanca (España). Rector (2014-2018) de la Universitaria Agustiniana (Colombia). Actualmente, rector del Colegio Agustiniano Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia.


Anthony Dupont

“On the Way to Truth and Peace” (ep. 33, 6): Augustine’s Anti-Donatist Readings of John 14: 27a

Joseph L. Grabau

Augustine’s Anthropological Hermeneutic and Political Thought in Dante Alighieri’s De Monarchia

Piotr M. Paciorek

“To be One Heart and Soul in God”. Augustine on Peace within the Family

Bart van Egmond

Inner Peace and Personal Identity. Reflections on the Unity of the Confessions

Dagmar Kiesel

Ipse Enim est Pax Nostra: Ephesians 2:14 in the Preaching of St. Augustine

Jonathan P. Yates

Magnum Beneficium est Pax, sed Dei Veri Beneficium est (civ., 3.9). Augustine’s Realism, Strategy, and Insight into Human Motives as a Prelude to Peace at All Levels of Human Existence

Paul van Geest

The Soul in Pieces and its Quest for the Peace of Christ

Matthew Drever

‘Live Together in Peace on the Way to God.’ The Rule of Augustine as a ‘Rule of Peace’

Pierre-Paul Walraet

On the Two Wills: Augustine against Agonism toward Peace

Thomas R. Clemmons

Politics, Peace and Predestination

Miles Hollingworth

How do We use Our Words in the World where Lies are Rampant? From Augustine’s Argument on Lying

Makiko Sato

Peace through Order: Applying Augustine’s Concepts of Society, Security, and Conflict in a Disordered World

Matthew A. Gaumer

Practicing Peace, Preaching Psalms: The Centrality of the Enarrationes in Psalmos to Augustine’s Developing Theological Understanding of Peace

Kevin G. Grove